Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Word on Final Exams and Make-up Tests

Note to all parents: next week Wednesday through Friday, Jan. 13-15, will be finals week for our students in all classes. The day your students takes their science final will be dependent on their particular class schedule. I have given them a study guide but I will include a digital copy below in case they lose theirs. We will be going over the answers to the study guide and studying for the final on Monday and Tuesday, though students should be sure to study on their own and complete the study guide.

We will have a Success Day on Tuesday afternoon. I will not be allowing any make-up homework, labs, or projects to be completed, though students may retake exams that they have scored an NC on. They should plan on taking these tests during success day

Here is the Final Study Guide. The answers will be posted on Monday.

Integrated Science Semester 1 Final Study Guide.doc

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1/6 Homework Update

Welcome back from winter break. The semester is ending next Friday, January 15. Students can expect to have final exams in most classes (including science) some time from Wed. 1/13 to Fri. 1/15. Additionally, students in my classes will have a Unit 2 exam on Thursday and Friday of this week (1/7,8).

Here is the homework assignment for tonight, January 6.


Students were also given a study guide for the Unit 2 Exam, which can be found below.
